Window Cleaning is the procedure of washing or cleaning glass windows and surfaces to remove dust, dirt and other substances. Window cleaners usually contain surfactants and solvents that adhere to the glass surface and lift away dirt and grime, providing shiny surfaces extra sparkle. The Sunlight passes easily through clean windows, giving you more vitamin D.

An unclean window cab result to symptoms such as headache, fatigue, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and itchy eyes. A professional cleaning service can help decrease the allergens in your home by cleaning your windows thoroughly. Consider setting a regular window cleaning schedule to enjoy the health benefits.

Professional Cleaning Servcies


Vacuuming is a process of using s vacuum cleaner to collect dust, dirt, etc.: Vacuum (up) the cookies crumbs. Vacuuming maintains home properties such as carpets, car, area rugs, stair cases and flooring. Removing debris prevents against breaks down fibers, soils in matting and foul odors. What happens if you don’t vacuum? Frequent vacuuming remains one […]

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Trash Removal

Proper trash removal is crucial for maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, When waste is not disposed of properly, it can lead to unpleasant odours, attract pests, and create an unsanitary and unsafe environment. If trashes are not removed, it also is a hatchery for microorganisms, making it necessary to keep them away at all […]

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0214614246, +353873858928

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Address info

Mahon Industrial Park, Blackrock, Cork Ireland. T12K7CV